We pick and choose which jobs we bid or receive work directly from our clients.

Many of our clients have us stock their materials to avoid excessive lead times – at zero cost to them. If not, we order materials immediately – time is always of the essence. We are Kawneer, YKK, Oldcastle, CRL, Manko, and US Aluminum Dealers.

CAD drawings are available on every job at no extra cost. The decision to build off the prints or for us to field measure is up to you.

Once sizes are agreed upon – drawings are released and fabrication starts. We have a dedicated teams of fabricators in one of our 1 shops.

Glass is ordered at the same time fabrication starts. Our glass lead time is typically 1 week – even for tempered insulated units. Our supplier delivers glass to us four days a week.

We have a dedicated logistics team in their own building who load our trailers and check everything from tire pressures to tubes of caulking.

Our crews of installers (typically a lead and an apprentice) come in for a trip brief and depart.

Installations vary with an average trip lasting 7 days. Per diem is issued to cover expenses. For new installs, our typical total lead time is 2 weeks from when we release drawings to when we show up on sit